2nd Place for Horten Harborfront

Recognition shared with NSW and SLA. The project received high remarks by the jury as undeniably the most contemporary proposal for the site, its analytical thoroughness, modern approach to architectural design, most convincing conceptual proposal, clearest use of programmatic functions, and treatment of identity. Most notably, was how Knoppskyter challenged the popular belief and changed the jurors perception of blindly developing housing projects on the harborfront as first development stage.

The jury was indecisive between the 1st and the 2nd place, as the minority of them felt that Knoppskyter was the actual winner. On the other hand, they did agree upon that both of them had given major contributions to the competition, separately and collectively, in increasing attractivity in the city and that both proposals does not exclude one or the other. Regardless of the competition, it was recommended that the municipality should put efforts in realising it anyways on an alternative site, for the greater good of Horten.


Writing Lecture at Tverrfaglig Masterklasse